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Happy Birth Stories & Testimonials

I had a great birth experience thanks to HypnoBirthing, which convinced me so much that I trained to become a practitioner myself! (See my About Me page...)


But don't just take my word for it - here is a collection of testimonials and inspiring birth stories that describe parents experience of my classes and the impact that HypnoBirthing has had on the birth of their babies, along with a couple of statements by Midwives about the power of HypnoBirthing.

First up, some general  comments & statements I hear couples feedback regularly on my courses:


"Everyone expecting should do this course."

"So much more grounded than the name "Hypnobirthing" might initially suggest - just makes so much sense!"

"We gained so much more empowerment and confidence than from any other antenatal class that we have attended - 

Thank you!"

Following are a some excerpts of emails I have received along with more in-depth testimonials and birth stories from parents who have attended my classes & midwives with experience of HypnoBirthing:



"Just to say thank you so much again for the course, Eva. Andy and I really enjoyed it and we've got so much from it. Even before the first session, when I'd read the book, we were already feeling relaxed and positive about the birth and that has continued over the weeks and will continue up until the birthing day.


You have been such a good teacher and we have enjoyed every session and found the technqiues and the discussions really valuable. Even though the birth is still to come, I would already recommend the course to other mums to be." 


Jess T, first time mum, Bristol

(you also can read Jess's positive Induction birth story below)




"The time and support you have given me has been invaluable. Our sessions have had a remarkable impact on me and have really helped me deal with what has been a very difficult final trimester.

You helped me find my own inner strength and positivity and I really thank you for that. I now feel I have the means to be able to embrace the birth and recovery, whatever happens.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart."


  Nicola, mum of 5, Bristol




"Thank you very much for a really lovely course! We really enjoyed it and you, and have found our other classes a bit redundant after experiencing such a wonderful one. Your way of teaching and communicating your passion is such a gift, so thank you for continuing to share it. We are truly grateful."


Jessica, first time mum

"My Midwife was amazed how well I handled an Induction without pain relief "

Just to let you know that our lovely son was born at 12.08pm on Saturday 14th December weighing 7 pounds and 4 ounces


I ended up being induced early (I was due to go in on Monday 16th December) as they discovered I had a liver condition you can get in pregnancy (obstetric cholestasis) after a blood test at my last midwife appointment on the Thursday. A pessary was put in at 5pm on Friday and then removed at 5am on Saturday due to the contractions coming on strong and fast. My waters were broken at 6.30am, by 9am I was 9cm dilated and Ted was born a few hours later!! 


We were very much taken by surprise with the induction being brought forward and the speed at which things progressed and I can hand on heart say that I don't think I would've coped nearly a quarter as well if it hadn't been for Hypnobirthing - I believed in it before but I am now a true advocate! I was able to avoid using any pain relief throughout the whole process and instead just used the breathing and the positive attitude I'd built up beforehand to get me through each surge and then when the time came for him to make his entrance. 


Without wishing to sound boastful in any way, the midwife was completely amazed at how I was handling things and that I didn't want pain relief! She told everyone on the ward and I believe it's something she'll continue to share with colleagues and patients - hopefully spreading the Hypnobirthing message!


I completely went into myself and focused all my energy and effort on the breathing techniques and the knowledge that it wouldn't be long until our baby would be here. We didn't end up using any of the relaxation techniques and CDs in labour itself due to how quickly things progressed and how I wanted to deal with things but practising them for weeks in advance was excellent birth preparation and put me in a really good frame of mind. Andy was able to keep me on track with the breathing throughout and particularly at the points where I was starting to lose track. I thought I would love the light touch massage during labour but in fact, I didn't want Andy to touch me!! But again, this didn't matter, just practising it in advance kept me relaxed (and I have since asked for a bit of massage post birth!).


It's hard to put into words what Hypnobirthing means to us, except to say that it means a lot and we would not hesitate for a moment in recommending it. I believe it is a complete pregnancy through to birth and beyond tool, it kept me positive and relaxed during pregnancy when I encountered any difficulties, it gave me the strength to know that I was capable of bringing Ted into the world, it helped me to shut out any negative attitudes towards birth, it kept me relaxed, it gave me focus and it gave Andy and I a completely shared experience - Andy was sceptical about it at first and this really isn't something I would ever have imagined he'd get on board with but he is completely 'converted' too.


A week on and I feel very well in myself (aside from the usual couple of days where your milk comes in and your hormones go a bit all over the place!) and Ted is very well too - we are getting to grips with breastfeeding and he is very calm natured and sleeps a lot. So far so good and we'll take each day at a time and hope that things continue as they are. 


I also know that I would go back to the techniques in a heartbeat if I felt myself getting stressed or frustrated at any point.


Thank you so much for everything you have done for us and for leading us through the course and being part of enabling us to have a really positive pregnancy and birth story despite the fact that on paper it could've been a lot more stressful - we are so grateful.


Jess T, first time mum, Bristol 

'I highly recommend Hypnobirthing to everybody' 

Hypnobirthing was recommended to me by a friend.  Initially I felt interested in what it may involve, although somewhat sceptical of its possible effectiveness- after all we all know how painful childbirth is meant to be!


However as I was very keen to have a natural birth I wanted to arm myself with as many tools as possible which may help.  My husband and I attended four sessions with Eva which allowed in depth discussion of the birthing process as well as how societal perceptions of birth have changed over time. 


Eva was always warm and friendly in her approach and she openly shared her knowledge of Hypnobirthing.   She was also extremely informative of theory and research, which enabled me to develop a real sense of confidence in this approach. 


Through the sessions I recognised that I held a deeper sense of fear about birth, than I had ever realised; by addressing this through open and honest dialogue in a supportive environment however,  I soon developed my confidence in my own personal power to influence my baby's birth!


The sessions also encouraged me to take a flexible approach to whatever circumstances may arise during labour.  Even with this I wondered whether the hours of preparation (meditation) would really help on the day (particularly as my mind always wandered onto mundane tasks!)- after all could the mind really influence such a hugely physical event? 


The proof was clear.  During labour I felt calm and comfortable with the sensations in my body. In fact, mentally I was in an altered state- a mindset of deep relaxation but which afforded me with the ability to 'zone in' when needed (for example when the midwife spoke to me). My birth went very smoothly and although there was a short time when my labour slowed a little, by remaining calm and relaxed as Hypnobrithing emphasises, my labour was soon progressing again. 


Hypnobirthing combined with massage and the use of a TENS machine enabled me to have the natural birth I so wished for.  My son came into the world calm but alert; I truly believe that employing Hypnobirthing techniques during pregnancy and labour has contributed to him being the content little boy that he is today.  I received many compliments from the midwives as to how calm my labour was, how well my baby and I were during the whole process, as well as how self-sufficient my husband and I were (something which I would have never have believed before!) 


I would highly recommend Hypnobirthing to everybody - its potential power and value is truly incredible! 


Helen, Bristol (first time mum) 

'"Seriously - no pain?!   ' Yes seriously!"

I wanted to say thank you, Eva,  for all the hypnobirthing coaching over the past few months, it enabled me to have the most amazing birth experience (more than I could possibly imagine), and that the whole process from waters breaking to 'babe in arms' was less than 12 hours long (about five hours labouring in total) and much more tolerable than a day of late pregnancy.  


I can honestly say the notion of 'pain' was removed entirely and I experienced only a sensation of pressure during the final half hour!


I stayed in hospital overnight to try and become more confident with the breastfeeding (as for a rest - not the quietest of places!) and the midwife who delivered her could not stop asking questions, as well as the three other nurses who visited through the day and evening because I became known as the 'woman who did the hypnobirthing course' and wanted to know more more due to the ease of delivery.


You mentioned that you may want us to share our birthing story and experience with others in your classes at some point, and I wanted to say that Dan and I were more than happy to do so. For us, HypnoBirthing was one of the best decisions we ever made in relation to the pregnancy, and I am more than happy to stand in front of anyone and share (or indeed write about) the experience due to how truly positive and amazing it was.


I'm currently going through the whole story with the friends and family who have been visiting whose first words when I describe the labour as 'Seriously - no pain?!' Yes seriously!  But I am ready to spread the hypnobirthing word to pretty much anyone who will listen!


Tilly, (first time mum) Bristol 

Thinking of booking a course and looking for available options?

Just call me on 07957 541056 to explore how I can support you to have a positive birth or find further info on course content, group courses and private sessions here!

"Fully dilated despite the midwife thinking it was early labour"

I thought you would like to know that I gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl at the weekend.  She arrived 16 days past her EDD. 

Surges started last Wednesday night but slowed on Thursday morning.  A scan on Thursday showed the amniotic fluid level was slightly low and with mounting pressure from the doctors decided to go in for induction on Friday (still hoping I would go into spontaneous labour on Thursday nigh).  Surges started again on Thursday night but slowed on Friday morning.  


Fortunately I only needed 2 pessaries and the surges started quite intensely at 7pm on Friday.  I laboured up on the ward in one of the side rooms at St Michaels and asked if I could go down the delivery suite as was having 3 surges every 10 minutes.  I was quite sick too which looking back was a sign of quick dilation but the midwifes thought I was in early labour. 


At 11pm we went down to the delivery suite, my doula arrived (she was amazing) and with the change of room, rainbow relaxation, my birth ball felt in a much more comfortable space.  The midwife was keen to rupture my membranes and I was insistent that I did not want this but she could do an examination.  She also said that because of the pessary I was still in early labour, however, when she examined me said she was quite wrong and I was in fact fully dilated! 

On standing up my membranes ruptured and our daughter was born 40 minutes later and was able to breathe her down - an amazing experience.  She was so alert and contented arriving into this world.  Despite having the induction I was so so pleased I could enjoy a wonderfully smooth labour and the hypnobirthing really helped. I was so impressed with the care at St Michaels and happy that I was able to labour with minimum monitoring and enjoy a natural birth.


We are loving being back at home, getting to know each other and keeping snuggled up with the chilly weather.


Thank you Eva for all your help and advice - I cannot recommend your HypnoBirthing course enough.


Anna, (first time mum) Bristol 

"Able to sleep through parts of late labour!"

We just wanted to let you know that our son  was born on Friday 12 November at 7.54pm (weighing in at 8lb 13 and a half ounces!)  He was born in the pool, at home in the dining room with the aid of HypnoBirthing and water alone!


His journey into the world began the previous day at 6am, we alerted the midwives that things were moving at 11am the following morning and then didn't call them again until 6.20pm that evening.  Mary (lovely midwife one) arrived at 7.00pm and Marcia (our midwife who was in the Scout Hall up the road with her daughter) was paged and came down quickly ay 7.30pm.  As they sat and began paperwork I shouted that the head was out - to some surprise!


Eva, we can't thank you enough - Ned received the birth he needed and we found the experience we so desperately wanted.  Taff was AMAZING - he is a total HypnoBirthing devotee and managed the whole of the second day adapting some of the scripts and enabling me to sleep through even some quite late on surges which I never would have thought possible.   There were some moments of fear - he instigated the 'fear releasing' visualisation about three times during the process!  If I am honest I am not sure I ever quite was able to let the previous experiences go totally - and yet it STILL worked!


Such, such a different journey (from the previous two) and one which we will reflect upon for the rest of our lives - thank you.


Angela, (third time mum) Bristol

'I enjoyed every minute of it and can't wait to do it again.'

​"Just dropping you a line to let you know that, no surprise, I've had a baby. Our baby boy was born at on the 23.04.2012 weighing in at 7lb 7oz (3.3 kg). 
My labour was short and sweet, just 3.5 hours from start to finish and birthing Caleb was amazing.  I enjoyed every minute of it and can't wait to do it again.  I do feel like bragging and just adding also that I came away with a small abrasion only.  No tear! 
I did find hypnobirthing very useful from a staying calm and remembering to breathe point of view and the conditioning of the meditation CD's prior to delivery was very valuable.  Mark was amazing throughout the birth and provided me with just the right level of support, as I knew he would.
We want to thank you for your support and guidance leading up to the birth of our gorgeous baby Caleb."
Vanessa, Bristol (first time mum)

​"As a midwife, I feel it is unethical for me not to inform my clients of the benefits of HypnoBirthing."

​As a midwife, I feel it is unethical for me not to inform my clients of the benefits of HypnoBirthing.
I strongly support HypnoBirthing, having attended a workshop and supporting several women who have employed HypnoBirthing and shown immense coping strategies and strength.
HypnoBirthing is not only invaluable in increasing the likelihood of having a natural birth, but also supporting women through antenatal discomfort and when births do not go according to plan.
HypnoBirthing is also beneficial for birth partners, in particular fathers, as it provides them with a practical role during the labour and birth and enables them to remain calm, informed and in tune with the birth process.

Natalie, independent midwife

"Women sail through the birth of their babies"

I would have to say that HypnoBirthing is the most amazing phenomenon to observe in action. Women seem to sail through the birthing of their babies, working as a team with their birth partner who is the essential anchor for her.


There is nothing for the midwife to do except sit quietly and watch and wait. The entire experience seems to bring the couple closer together as they share in the achievement and benefit from the enhanced trust in one another that they have developed.


I also think from an educational point of view couples seem to really take on board the physiological process and how a positive environment is essential to a normal outcome.


And finally, I think the real success story for HypnoBirthing is its benefit to men. Men have the hardest job really, being supportive to their partners but not really having a defined role.


Men's role as HypnoBirthing partners is clearly key to the whole success story and being actively involved in the birth of their children allows men to bond easily and immediately with them.


Jacqui , independent midwife UK

Thinking of booking a course and looking for available dates?

Just call me on 07957 541056 to explore how I can support you to have a positive birth or find further info on course content, group courses and private sessions here!

Ready to book a course or have any questions?

Simply give me a call on 07957541056,

or just complete this handy form. 

I am looking forward to hearing from you!

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I'll get right back to you (usually within 24 hours at the latest)

"It's hard to put into words what Hypnobirthing means to us, except to say that it means a lot and we would not hesitate for a moment in recommending it. I believe it is a complete pregnancy through to birth and beyond tool, it kept me positive and relaxed during pregnancy when I encountered any difficulties, it gave me the strength to know that I was capable of bringing Ted into the world, it helped me to shut out any negative attitudes towards birth, it kept me relaxed, it gave me focus and it gave Andy and I a completely shared experience"


Jess, 1st time mum, Bristol

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Confidence Building Antenatal Classes,

Hypnotherapy, EFT & Coaching

Eva Kraemer HBCE, HPD, DSFH

Empowered Childbirth &

Birth Trauma Relief Specialist

Solution Focused Hypnotherapist

EFT & Matrix Re-Imprinting Practitioner

© 2024 Bristol BirthWell - HypnoBirthing & Perinatal Wellbeing with Eva Kraemer

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