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"It's hard to put into words what Hypnobirthing means to us, except to say that it means a lot and we would not hesitate for a moment in recommending it. I believe it is a complete pregnancy through to birth and beyond tool, it kept me positive and relaxed during pregnancy when I encountered any difficulties, it gave me the strength to know that I was capable of bringing Ted into the world, it helped me to shut out any negative attitudes towards birth, it kept me relaxed, it gave me focus and it gave Andy and I a completely shared experience"


Jess, 1st time mum, Bristol

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Confidence Building Antenatal Classes,

Hypnotherapy, EFT & Coaching

Eva Kraemer HBCE, HPD, DSFH

Empowered Childbirth &

Birth Trauma Relief Specialist

Solution Focused Hypnotherapist

EFT & Matrix Re-Imprinting Practitioner

© 2024 Bristol BirthWell - HypnoBirthing & Perinatal Wellbeing with Eva Kraemer

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